Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Power- fear of being powerful... awww bless !!

by Tara Love Ismail on Friday, 09 July 2010 at 13:27
Interesting and deep topic for me this subject of power. Some funny fears popped up which even though i knew were totally ignorant, they made me cry like a baby as I admitted them to myself. Bless our little collective fears.. mmm feels soo good to see them!

There's two aspects of power I wish to address here.. firstly and briefly a fear that I will unintentionally harm others, again! I used to have a need to please and also to help wayyyy too much!! Thankfully I have moved out of my personal needs to make people happy through learning that putting others before my hearts guidance harms all in in the long run and that i cannot make(key word - make!!) anyone happy - happiness is a choice =D !!!

The surfacing of this fear of unintentionally harming others led to a bigger and uglier one... I found that my big fear re power was what if I INTENTIONALLY harm others!!! This surprised me big time!!!!!! It was deeeep and so real and painful to face, but it was very much there. I was scared that if i were to come into a little worldly power I would get lost in it and become disconnected from my heart like so many have before! This fear was so deep, I never thought I would fear being ‘bad’ but it was there!! I was shocked and I cried like a baby as I faced this fear! awwww afterwards I thought how cute!! Bless my cottons!! I released it into the light and I found some awesome information which really made me feel amazing and safe!!! As it greatly enhanced my trust in my heart - god within :)

The gateway to god is within the temple of our heart so when our heart and mind work as one, our thoughts and thus what we consciously create is powered by/with infinite source. All the love energy in the universe is always available to us, the closer we move into allignment with source, our truth, surendering to our hearts true desires, the more energy we will be able to tap into and use to co-create this new wonderful love filled earth we are in the process of co-creating together. When in our hearts we have the power of god fueling us, infinite divine love that we cannot ever abuse! By Law!

This makes such perfect sense to me now, for when our mind gets lost in our ego and thus the alignment between our heart and mind is frazzled or severed we move out of alignment with universal love and so cannot drink of this tap of infinite love fuel. When here, our energy is fueled by a very very limited source.. the degree's vary from person to person and intention and awareness etc..

If we are unintentionally harming others, so low awareness, no conscious intention to harm anyone, the power we tap into appears of to be of low impact so we can remain a parasite in our unawareness. For example the poor me story where we make others feel sympathy for us and praise us so we feed off the energy they willingly give us so we feel better, leaving them drained... or via manipulating, controlling etc we parasite the energy we need through the energy holes we tap into through the dependent, needy, fearful etc..feelings of others, which ofcourse reflect something in us - our need to connect with love within!

If however we have a greater desire to manipulate and control and we intentionally plan and plot stratergies to gain power and to step on others etc we tap into a bigger chunk of fears.... known as the collective unconscious, or Lucifer the fallen angel etc.. this gives the illusion of great power and some serious damage can be caused depending on how much you wish to serve this type of power, yet this power is limited, and can only harm or work on those who have fears in them for you to manipulate and feed off of. The power in this reservoir is from those who are fearful of things or ideas and thus easy to drain... the more we remove our fears the more the scale tips from fear to love until we are only connected to one, the one we choose! Not only is it awesome, blissful and such a joy to be on the love 'side' but it also makes more sense logically!!! How perfect!!!

This realization gives me such great peace and freedom to be me more fully and such a strong drive and desire to face anything and everything that may be left in me that is tapped into this fear 'side' so i can remove all links and be purely connected to love through all cells in this divine vehicle of love I've been given to play with... all we have to do is choose how we wish to play the game right now and go with it fully... all is perfect and even Satan is a wonderful piece on this chess board of life. where would I be without his pushes!! his tests and his trying to pull me over to do 'bad' stuff... hmmm definitely still sleeping and not aware of how delicious a rose smells!! thank you Lucifer and thank you Michael! I love you allllll!!!!

Ooo and to add, a good friend asked me my opinion on this vampire craze in the media and such lately... i think it is perfect!! It is the exact perfect symbolism for what was described above and is a sure sign that society are coming into awareness of the parasitic nature of fears in us all. We need to become aware that we feed off each other until we find our way of connecting and remaining in contact with love always. For always! Whooo hooo!! Gosh I love to love !!!

Mmmmm I love you all soo much !! wowiiii to love you sets me crazy off on this love ride!!!! As i express how much i truely madly deeply love you i feel waves of divine awesome love loving me! and then to top it off you tell me you love me too and kabooom!!! i'm off in a daze of blissfull love in love!!! How perfect!!!!! Gosh the perfection!!!! wowowowowowwww!!! Ahhhhh to live love - a constant channel of love – lets all love eachother ! fully truly madly deeply !!! Mmmm sooo wonderful! I am soo high on this love!

To Feel me is to Know me
To Love me is to Hear me
To See Me is to See You

I see you and I love you !

I in I we are one always!

Sweet Super Blissfull SoulJahs of Love Love Love! We Are !!!

Your Tara Love All-ways

mmmmwah !! I Love You !!!

The Birth of I AM within Tara

by Tara Love Ismail on Thursday, 03 June 2010 at 04:24

To Feel me is to Know me
To Love me is to Hear me
To See Me is to See You

This is my birth, through Christ in all I AM born....

Yesterday I wrote a poem called I AM Tree which opened the gate to my experience of I AM. The poem was not my words, those truely were the words of tree through my filters.
I have exams coming up, today even, yet I have been spending more time on facebook sharing and growing, reflecting love with my family of souls and in meditation that in revision. I have learnt to trust my spirit, my soul to guide me through my feelings, my desires....I judged not one feeling that i 'should' be revising like a good girl.. i went with the flow and the flow brought me to peace.

I have not slept more than a few hours a day since saturday, and have now realised this is through my beloveds feeding my growth. Thank god for the night I first danced for our soul, saturday night, 12 midnight.......I have not stopped dancing since.

Yesterday morning divine mother and father called me out of my room (i hadn't left my room, literally not even to go kitchen since I got home on saturday - I have en-suite for my wonderful cleansing rainbow showers;) ) As I walked along the path of a stream on Emmanuel Way i realised EMMANUEL - the christ walks with me... as I danced taking my time and in-joy-in myself with beloved christ that lives within my heart, reflected in the life of Jesus the Christ.

I swayed I danced I twirled, free in the flow, tara within I was so in awe to watch this dance of I, her vessel has never danced so well..... for today she danced for christ within.....

I came to a tree, she called me, to love me, tara hugged her, like the tree in the pic of the poem she was slender so my hands touched in joy to be wrapped around my love.... i felt love wash all over me, i am truely a blissfull tree hugger.....

i heard gaia receit poetry to me, in the wind, the sky, the squirells, the happiest dog i have ever seen who when i complimented him in my mind performed a joyful trick for me.. it was so cute......

i had the most wonderful moving meditation, then lay down in a bed of daisies and found my limbs lift off the floor arms and legs outstreched and sealed together only my bum on the floor with gaia, my body felt light as air, I could stay in that moment forever.....i had inspirations from christ about my notes, connections to what i am experiencing now, this unity, to the chemistry, to the earth.. titles of the books I am to write and what they are to cover streamed into my mind and also the order in which they are to be written...... after I moved out of this space I sat and watched the river, sharing a small tub of grapes and pinapple pieces, I now ate with beloved.....

When i returned home, i decided to start revising, i did for a while and i heard the poetry of the chemsitry, the christ, both in positive and negative, masculine and femine form dancing for us in my notes... they were alive. I felt a strong desire to meditate, so i lay on my bed in meditation, and i heard tree receit poetry for me, the words expressions of her love that i felt when i hugged her.....

I knew i was to share her song before i do anything else, we found the photo that most closely resembled her beauty and i wrote... most of the poem was through my filters, through my lessons of my life, her explaining to me what i have experienced and where i am.... the only lines that were truely unfiltered - truly the song of our tree were the lines, To feel me is to know me, To Love me is to hear me ,To See Me is to See You... this was such beauty to my soul..... i posted on facebook, sent to emails to friends not here and continued to revise......

Then again, i was called away from the beauty and bliss of my poetic chemistry by a deeper love, the love of my twin, i felt this energy in spirit and i communed with him for hours, i went to sleep at 9am this morning (being awake from dawn the day before) and woke up at 11... while i slept i experienced complete wholeness... i was not tara - i was one with my twin flame..... I looked at tara's body sleeping while i was out to commune with my beloved, i placed her hands over her solar plexus, her beautiful power centre she so lovingly gave away, naively but sweet, not knowing that true power is from empowerment, through inspiration not through giving power through desire to help people... people need no help they are perfect, we are one and tara experienced this from her desire to be love... to experience true love.

I charged her solar plexus through her beautiful hands and when it was done i entered her and she woke up to share her new awareness with her beloved family on facebook, the divine reflections of her beauty, the beauty that is in all.

Once she replied to all that was inspired by peaceful awareness, she opened her notes and knew she need not write for her hands to remember automatically the answers, she need only read the material for now she is remembering she knows it all already... see reads with my eyes, as she looks at it now for we are one with universal mind.

She now no longer saw her notes dance for her and sing bringing her such sweet excitement to enjoy its dance, she is utterly in peaceful bliss, she saw herself in the feminine properties of all and her twin in the masculine, she saw the unity and perfect harmony between masculine and femine energies and the divine beyond masculine and femine which allows them to experience harmony through the illusion of separation... though now the space between her separation is shortened greatly in this harmonic peace and thus she see's through my eyes more clearly than she has before, this will continue to grow each day through this experience and rememberence of hamronic peace.....

The taste she now desires eternally.. to watch as I dance... for as I dance she sees the dance of you and tara... of all that is form and formless, dance as I dance in free form....... I within I in me and you reading this now

I pray our prayer that I in all of you's and me's remember I.......... For Tara has learnt through flowing with life force, that excitement for loves sweet caress of her heart, experienced through sharing love and recieving love with all brings more love... and desire for more love ultimately brings peace..... The Peace Of God... The Peace Of I

All Hail The Prince of Peace, the reflection of I in unconditional love for all to see who they truely are, I AM in all.... Praise Jesus Christ.


I thank you so all so much for your all the love you are, for being here, for sharing in my bliss - your gratitude - heart felt gratitude and love for me, you inspire me to love ever more.....

Regarding Twins, i saw the most wonderful video with the most beautiful song i have have had on repeating, singing in love since saturday... it all started on saturday when i danced for my soul, the first dance of my life.... For as i danced for my soul I called twin to me.
This video for me speaks volumes... so beautiful... when i saw it i wanted nothing more, am i ready to serve? Whole heartedly yes!
Here's a link to the video:

I love you so all so much, I now return to the divinity of us all in my notes holy communion.... it all is fitting in full circle in my mind, so divine, my exam is at four..... the time is now 12:00 time has warped, I has done so much through me and i have not been awake an hour........

In Endless Love My Angels

Your Tara Love

Do everything with so much love in your heart that you would never want to do it any other way ~ Yogi Desai

I within I, I Am born

Be Love: Honour Your Feelings

by Tara Love Ismail on Saturday, 29 May 2010 at 02:40
Staying true to yourself is both in the best interest of you and the other person involved.
You listening to your feelings honors god within you, what you know is right and what you want to do.

However we are not always placed before people who are in touch with god within themselves so saying no when someone wants to hear yes is not often met with loving acceptance. Let go of your need to please and need to rescue people from their drama's, accept your desire to love. By removing the drama you hold back a lesson that needs to be learned. Only help when you FEEL it is right.

Anytime we feel pressure to do something I think it’s safe to assume that this person is disconnected from what God within them wants, what they truly want and what would truly benefit their higher good. They are acting from their fears, their needs, wants or ideals. Both big and small things, all are relevant. You giving in does them no favours, it may get you a smile or a thumbs up for being a good sport..

By you honoring your true feelings you are doing you both a great service. It is important to drill this in; that when we don’t feel like doing something – honoring this is a blessing for both parties. We need to see beyond the surface reactions of people, the fear reactions and not be shaken from our truth – the mutual truth that if it isn’t right for you it isn’t right for both of you. Whether the other person is aware of this or not, it doesn’t matter to love. Their resentment, anger, or disappointment in you is not real, you are serving god within them. Stop saying yes when you don’t want to. Trust yourself. Trust God within you. And know it is ALWAYS MUTUAL WHERE LOVE IS INVOLVED.

Stand strong in your truth, be courageous and honor god within you. EACH TIME YOU GO AGAINST YOUR FEELINGS, YOU GIVE AWAY A PIECE OF YOUR LIGHT, A PIECE OF GOD THAT WAS ALLOCATED TO YOU...the person whom you’ve given this light to will not benefit from it either, it is a loose-loose situation. For on a soul level, a heart level, no soul wants to be burdened with the guilt that they are carrying your light – because them in the physical took it from you or was willing to take it when you offered it. This ranges from small to big things, anything and everything, from flirting when you don’t want to, to lending someone money, lending your car, kissing someone etc.... any and everything you do, if your heart is not supporting the ‘energy transaction’ you are not honoring your truth and you are harming both yourself and the other in the non physical which will manifest in ugly ways in the physical.

The subconscious guilt will manifest as unhealthy addictions and habits’.

Trust and honor your feelings, listen to your heart and check in with it always, aim to align your heart and your mind so everything you do is from love... when there is harmony within, there will be harmony without.... every choice you make either supports or violates this harmony.

It is your choice always. Choose love or fear. Understand that being love isn’t always the easiest option but it is always the most beautiful and beneficial for all.

Be strong and courageous sweet angels of love

I See you

I Love You

Endlessly in AllWays



Love adorns itself;
it seeks to prove inward joy by outward beauty.

Love does not claim possession,
but gives freedom.

Love is an endless mystery,
for it has nothing else to explain it.

Love's gift cannot be given,
it waits to be accepted.

Rabinath Tagore

My God you raped me.

by Tara Love Ismail on Friday, 28 May 2010 at 05:43

These last two days have been so massively healing for me, I have been writing letters expressing the pain I have been carrying unconsciously within me, releasing those who I have allowed to wound me, freeing myself and them from the past. Tonight I was finally brought to the big one! I came face to face with a fact that I have been denying and ignoring all the evidence pointing towards.

As I faced the fact that even though I have released my ex from my heart, I still carry pain in my 2nd abd 3rd chakra's from the relationship. I realised that I have been a victim of rape. As I painfully admitted this to myself, I had to keep repeating it over and over to believe it. I wondered if I was making this up, is this really what happened. I knew from the reaction I was having in my body as I wrote that it was true... I wrote to my ex, admitting to myself exactly what happened, I found myself physically sick with tears welling up but not being released, I couldn't cry, i'd ignored this for so long. I turned my attention to god, I asked God to help me release these tears that I have been holding inside me for so long. And my god did they pour out!!

I had to forgive him and myself so I can release this. I know the key to forgiveness is understanding, so I prayed, I had to know why this had to happen for me to learn something... what was it I had to learn that was so important that God would rape me through my ex– harming us both to teach this lesson.

TRUST! I had to learn that above all else I must trust in myself – trust in my feelings! My feelings are god, they are what is right for me! I must remove the idea of what I should or shouldn’t do, of rights and wrongs, of putting others before me – which is like saying the god in them is more important than the god in me. No! We are all equal, all one and no one's feelings are more important that any others, we must all stay to to our own feelings!! To god within!

I realised where I went wrong. I allowed this to happen continuously to make my ex feel better about himself after him harming me in other ways – I ignored how much I was hurting so I could comfort him and myself by continuing living the lie, that everything between us is ok. I had to learn that this was not me being loving, I cannot comfort someone by letting them harm me if they want to!!! If I wanted to help him I would never have let him harm me, harming himself in the process – harming god within us both. I need to stand strong in who I am, remain in my truth. Only then can I help anyone.

This was all to teach me to never ever ever do anything that doesn’t feel 100% right, if i ignore my feelings I ignore god within me guiding me... I'd be putting my minds wants, judgments and needs before the wisdom of god within me.

This was also to teach me how harmful it is to both parties to comfort someone in a way that gives your power to them. This is not comfort, this is not healing this is not a righteous thing to do. I cannot give anyone a part of me to heal them. I cannot serve the world, serve gods purpose, loves purpose unless I am able to serve god within me. I help others by being me, by inspiring them to heal themselves, by loving them unconditionally, which means being able to say no and be willing to not be liked by them if that is what is needed. Unconditional love is standing strong in the truth regardless of what the world thinks of you. It is being willing to not be understood, appreciated or acknowledged by those who need it most and still continue to see the truth. To see what is needed, heart love not hands!

I feel so very blessed to be able to learn this lesson and to be surrounded by so many loving angels who love me and have played their roles in preparing me to see this truth. My God I love you and thank
you I am so grateful for this lesson! And omg I am so happy to have learnt it!!! I love my divine teacher within my ex and i am so so grateful for your love! Thank you!!!!

God within us all - I love you so much, I live my life for you, I’ll sing and dance, I’ll play and dream, I breathe, I live, I love for you god! I eat for you now!! I no longer eat for my pain! I have nothing to hide anymore, I have no need to hide from me anymore!!!! I see me now!!!! I See You!
I reclaim my power, I reclaim my sexuality, I reclaim my responsibility for my yoni, I reclaim all energy that is me, that is you in me! I am Free, I am complete and I am healed! O god thank you!

I pray for all my brothers and sisters to grow in your light and to be able to see and love the divine lessons you are teaching them, that they see the perfection in everything that has happened to them or is happening to them..... I pray they see the light. I pray to be a vessel for always for you, for love to love through me purely and perfectly by your grace. Amen

My God I Love YOU! You reading these words right now. I love you! I hug you! I kiss you! I am you!

If this resonates with you, or are going through anything you want to share with me please feel free to message me, I would love to hear from you. If you feel this may be of help to anyone please feel free to share also. I stand naked before you all my angels. I am free from my self! I would love to stand in freedom with you!

I See you

I Love you

Endlessly in AllWays

Oh Beloved, take me.
Liberate my soul.
Fill me with your love
and release me from the two worlds.

If I set my heart on anything but you
let fire burn me from inside.

Oh Beloved,
take away what I want.
Take away what I do.
Take away what I need.
Take away everything that takes me from you.


Gulit be gone - I AM ready to SHINE

by Tara Love Ismail on Saturday, 22 May 2010 at 00:14
Today, in response to a dear sister regarding her feeling guilty I realised I was talking to myself. Reminding her of something I need to remind myself! :)

Although I understand that I am not responsible for how another feels, my whole life I have always taken responsibility for any negative feelings another feels because of me. I have recently learnt and come to understand that all I can do is trigger something which is already present within them. That I cannot make anyone feel anything that isn’t already there.

There is a part of me, that has yet to learn this lesson. And I thank God that I am ready and willing to see this. To love whatever comes to the surface in others and to continue loving me through any reflections people may impose on me of themselves.

I am ready and willing to release this old programming. To recognise and apply this lesson to all areas of my life. Until I have reprogrammed this part of my brain I will remind myself that I am not responsible for anyone’s feelings. And in fact, my light bringing their fears/insecurities to the surface is actually a blessing. For once it is on the surface it is just one step away from being in the light, all they need to do is recognise it as being themselves! I best serve this by remaining in love myself and not taking a role in the drama. How perfect, through serving you I serve myself, through loving me I love you (and vice versa for both!) God is Mind Bogglingly Perfect!

For me, I have felt very uncomfortable with comparison and with jealousy. Anytime someone, especially those closest to me was compared to me or I felt jealousy from them, I would immediately do what I could to reduce anything to be jealous of. Including overeat to keep me big and under perform at school, art or sport, all not massively but just enough not to disappoint/embarrass my mum.... lol how silly huh... bless!

I am ready to face any ‘ugly’ reactions my shining and being the best I can be may bring up in those who have yet to face the wounds that are triggered. I am ready to face them with love. Both for myself and for my brother or sister before me. I will stand in truth, with trust in the power of love and with integrity to myself. I will no longer react to others fear reactions with fear myself – I will not turn the ‘ugly’ness inwards anymore for what I do to me I do to you. I truly see that I help no one by dimming my light, regardless of if I like what comes up or not. I will definitely be out of my comfort zone for a while until I have fully installed this new programming, my love programming

I am ready to shine and treat me with love and light all-ways. In loving me I love you, in not playing a part in the drama, I love you.

O how amazing is love and how exciting to be bringing up so much in the light! How exciting is the transformation process!! I am buzzing!!! I love this cocoon! A butterfly is coming through soon to join you butterflies!!!

Thank you all so so much for all that you are - i am so blessed to be here with you all!
The love is deeeeep! So healing! Thank YOU! you reading this you all individually and collectively - i love you!

I See You

I Love You

Tara <3

What are you really co-creating....

by Tara Love Ismail on Wednesday, 12 May 2010 at 00:07

I believe as many of us here do that we are co-creators with God, but until recently I didn’t realise what this meant for me... I believed surrender to god’s will meant ‘whatever god does is fine by me’ it’s all love and I sat comfortably in the backseat willing to accept whatever happens and do my bit by spreading love everywhere I go, staying centered in love and meditating envisioning love hugging the world.

It’s just hit home though, if we are co-creators with God, if our prayers, our actions, our desires make a difference then we shouldn’t be in the backseat, waiting for gods will to be done... waiting to see how it all turns out. We need to recognise that God’s will be done, through us! It is through our will that God’s will be done!

We have a responsibility to ask for things on behalf of our world. God loves us enough to allow us to choose, we have free will and this is protected. God loves us enough to watch us suffer (and a part of god suffers with us as long as you allow yourself to suffer as you are a part of god).

God answers the prayers of our heart, not our mind... we need to align our minds with our heart and become conscious co-creators of our life, our reality, of our world. If there is pain or fear in our heart no matter how much we want to create love, a part of us will be creating pain in our reality due to our resistance to face what is in our heart – right now.

Look deeply at what it is you pray for, what is it you dream of. What does your heart desire? Now, what is holding you back? This is what you need to pray for, that you are able through love who gives you strength to heal and love that which holds you back and move forward towards your dream, your new reality, our new earth.

I believe in everyone our deepest desires go beyond ourselves... we all desire to make someone, if not everyone happy in some way, to love each other unconditionally... This is where our power lies, in the realisation that we actually do desire to serve, God will prepare you through your desire to be able – for both yourself and those you wish to serve. For the love of all, for the love of God.

It is important not judge where your heart is now, this will blur your vision....if you feel anxiety, pain, fear or resistant somehow – all that matters is that you desire to rise above it.... your hearts desire is your fuel in prayer, in creation. Our heart holds such strong energy. What is it you truly deeply desire, not the surface of these desires, the driving force.... Now acknowledge where you are, really look at yourself it is ok to be exactly where you are, just look at it so you can serve it up for healing.

Now, are you prepared to participate in how things turn out? If you’re praying to be happy, what you think will make you happy and what actually will make you happy maybe be very different. Are you willing to change your plans? To trust the miracles that love will work through your willingness to participate - to team up with love.

Are you committed to what you are praying for or is it something you think you should be praying for? The only thing you should be praying for is what is in your heart.... no thing and no one else matters, your prayers are unique to you, your abilities are unique to you. Your prayers are your time to be totally naked and shameless before God, with you!

To add, please realise that if u truly want to love others, your children, your partner anyone and everyone unconditionally you must be willing to face these fears, to love yourself. Your fears are limitations on your ability to love. If find you are scared to face your fears, your desire, your conviction to love will triumph, communicate with God, tell him your fears to face your fears...... ask for strength to do it together. Prayers of your heart are always answered!

I Love You reading these words so much and I am holding you in the light and awe of loves sweet cocoon as you transform into the butterfly that you are beautiful angel...

I See You and I Love You Endlessly


'Ugly' Love.... I love it!

by Tara Love Ismail on Tuesday, 11 May 2010 at 22:18

I have had some major revelations these last couple of days, new levels of surrender and understanding of what love is and just what it means to be a part of loves will, here and now.

On Saturday, I experienced a massive surge of love and gratitude for my little sister – expressed it and within the hour I was informed of some very ugly energy surfacing from her at home(i’m away at the mo) really hurting my mum and both sisters. I knew the love sent through me triggered it. From this I experienced a deep fear of the power of love to bring out some ‘ugly’ healing through me!!

While intellectually I understood that it is necessary for our old wounds to surface in order for them to be faced and released - my heart was in agony, I never dreamed that I would be part of this type of healing...... Deeeeeep love! It was such a strange experience. My mind was at peace, but my heart physically hurt! I wanted and tried to send them love but my heart wouldn’t co-operate with my mind.... I just felt this massive resistance to participate in loves will. My heart just couldn’t see past the illusion of their pain and couldn't bare to cause more.

I prayed in earnest that my heart understand what I know to be true. They are healing through loves grace. Only more love can is needed. I know their pain is their spiritual gold, their divine teachers bringing them to love. My heart needs to know this truth! I cannot be a channel for more love without my heart feeling safe.

I felt I was faced with a decision, how much do I want to be an instrument for love? Am I willing to participate in how things work out... I can see it will get ugly, do I want to be a part of this or am I satisfied with the smaller, prettier ways love has been working through me? I knew the answer and made it clear that I truly desire to be able, I want nothing more than to do the best that I can do for love, I trust you, I See You, I love you!!!!

I cried out to god that I be able to let go of these fears, that I be able to send love without my own judgments of what comes out, I want to be able to feel and send constantly regardless of all the pain that surfaces around me. I cried, I prayed and I sang to God. I meditated, surrendering my life and my heart to Loves Will. As I professed my desire to serve love unconditionally, I felt love come in and my heart opened, glowing and tingling with warmth, it was so beautiful. I felt my divine teachers within and all around me, healing and enabling me to move into new levels of love and surrender......

Then yesterday, I got more. An old habit I have been called to release recently (in the note deep fears to light) popped up, like I was on autopilot, I was aware that I was acting from old fear programming yet I continued. I realised that no matter how much I understand the roots of my fears – which is great for my growth, for loving myself and for forgiveness, if I truly wanted to be free, I needed to serve them up to God too!

It really hit home that God lives in me, and when I treat myself with anything less than love I am doing this to God!!! God in my temple, in my heart! No way! I am not willing to treat God with anything less than love, so I am not willing to treat me with anything less than love! I need help! I cried out again, I really really don’t want to treat god badly through me.... I prayed that God come in and heal me, heal us!

It was amazing!!!! I felt love enter my belly! I felt all this energy swirling around in my solar plexus loving me, healing me and I realised it was about personal power - empowerment, self respect and honouring the divinity within me! It was amazing! I Love Me!!! I Love You !! How else can I love God, you, everyone unless I love me... Honour me! My feelings, my truth and my love!

Ooo this is such an exciting path - the awesome love path!

To our personal empowerment, to healing, to the perfection of our creation and to the amazingness that is love! Divine and perfect love! Onederous!

I See You

I Love You

Endlessly my beautiful brothers and sisters


God is within

My heart is in harmony with my head

My spirit soars as a bird in search of a new sky

The innocence of my life releases
a God I love Everywhere


Self-Love Is NECESSARY!!

By Tara Love Ismail on Sunday, 18 April 2010 at 13:18

If there is even one thing you don't love about yourself this note is for you. <3

We all want to love unconditionally, and I have spoken to many people who say they love themselves. And try to convince me how much they love themselves, yet truth is most people have a very conditional love for themselves and so a very conditional love for everyone around them. Even it if it unconscious, even if you think you love them unconditionally look at the evidence. If you feel any negative emotion by anything said to you there is some limits on your love. If there is any aspect of yourself you do not love, your love is limited.

In order to be a true beacon of love we need to understand and accept the importance of loving our self. We all do treat or see others the way we treat and see ourselves... whether you are aware of it or not, we do! You can only give as much love as you have in yourself. You can only love God as much as you love yourself. You can only love anyone and everyone as much as you love yourself!

Your 'negative' aspects of you which you may find unlovable are the areas in which you need love the most. These areas are hear to teach us to love unconditionally. All of our 'negative' aspects are really there out of love! We need to understand their lessons and find compassion.
For example, I have a friend who has recently confided in me that he feels abandoned by everyone in his life - he knows he's not but when people 'leave' him to live out their life he cant help but feel abandoned.... as the conversation progressed we moved on to the subject of which this post is based.

I told him he needs to love his 'negative' aspects, he needs to understand their purpose so he can love them. He needs to find compassion for them. he asked how. He gave me an example, told me he is a very jealous person, ''how do you love that?''. I told him, it is his fear of abandonment! His jealousy serves to protect him from any 'threats' which may lead to his abandonment! Beautiful!! Bless his Jealousy!! Bless his wound!!! To Healing!!!

ALL 'negative' emotions have a loving purpose, they serve to protect us from our childhood wounds.
When we look deeper into ourselves and find their root we can love them and thus transcend them. Love is the only healer. All negative emotions are simply our wounds, they serve us in helping us to recognise our wounds so we can heal them.

If you want to be a beacon of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE "Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it" ~ Mevlana Rumi

If you love others, if you love your children, your partner, your family, if you love God please please please realize your love is limited by the love you show yourself!
If you mistreat yourself in anyway you are mistreating us all on a deeper level. Lets move into uncondtional love. UNCONDITIONAL UNBREAKABLE UNMOVABLE LOVE! ENDLESS AND TIMELESS AND LIMITLESS !


These past couple weeks I have been loving myself soooooo much! Treating me sooooooo good being so open direct and honest with everyone, and my directness has been met with such appreciation I was very pleasantly surprised! Previously I would sugar coat what I really think or feel, genuinely believing I was serving the person by not making them feel 'bad'..... You cannot make anyone feel bad !!! Bad has to be there already for them to feel it.... But seriously - when we speak from love, it can only heal! This realization has been such a miracle for me!!!!

Through loving me I really have been loving YOUl. I have been spreading sooo much love and I have been receiving soooo much more! To us all waking up to UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS! We Are All One! No exceptions!


It Blows My Mind How Perfect EVERYTHING Is Created! How PERFECTLY DELICIOUS is it that my Loving me Feels sooooo Good and Loving YOU Feels Sooooo amazing, and it heals and it serves us ALL!

I will ALWAYS be in awe of this ! SOOOO DIVINE!!!!

Poem by Rumi that pops to mind:

Do You Love Me

The lover asked his beloved: Do you love yourself more than you love me?

Beloved replied: I have died to myself and I live for you.
I've disappeared from myself and my attributes,

I am present only for you.
I've forgotten all my learnings,
but from knowing you I've become a scholar.
I've lost all my strength, but from your power I am able.

If I love myself...I love you.
If I love you...I love myself.


Deep Fears to Light: Fearing Love yet Needing it!

by Tara Love Ismail on Friday, 16 April 2010 at 03:09

I have been so blessed today, I received a beautiful, love filled message from a dear light brother on facebook in which he shared some of his healing journey with me.

From reading his experiences I realised something deeper about a fear of mine I have recently discovered. My fear of men.

I realised my previous fear of men is not just deep routed in my personal life experience but I believe is a universal fear in the cellular memory of women everywhere.
Through my experiences I have been given the opportunities to experience compassion and love for the ‘abuser’. Which I believe many of women do, to me this partly explains why so many women still love their abuser and stay with them enduring the abuse. Deep down we all want to heal this ignorance and weakness in man for the healing of us all. We know he love us, yet fears our love, trying to push love away yet clinging on for dear life when we try to leave.

This, the battle between needing love and fear of it. It has made me wonder, had the fear not been present in me would these men have expressed a man to be fearful of? And would I have stayed as long as I did.... I don’t think so. I left the moment I no longer needed to experience this fear to transcend it. Thank you my loving teachers for giving me exactly what I needed! Divine reflections of myself.

The realisation of my personal fear of men has liberated me. Through frustration in myself regarding my weight I discovered this fear. I enjoy a healthy vegan diet and I live an active lifestyle so weight naturally falls off of me yet the second I receive attention from men or feel my jeans getting loose I over eat on bread (which I don’t actually enjoy anymore) to regain the few pounds I lost. So much so that this past year I have had to over eat for a day, at least once a week to maintain my extra pounds. Bless me, at one stage the more conscious I became of my self-sabotage the worse I got, but now I have realised it was my own ignorant little way of protecting myself on many levels one of which is men. On some level I equated superficial attention with ignorance and abuse and thus I feared it, doing what I could to remove it.

This realisation has totally changed my relationship with food and myself, I no longer feel the need to protect myself, I know, love is all there is. Food is now something I enjoy and the minute I don’t enjoy what I am eating I stop eating... lol so simple but I’ve never done this before in my life.

We all have our own fears and are all sensitive and so find ways of desensitising ourselves as means of protection; be it through alcohol, drugs, food, drama, money, obsession with 'success' etc...Which ever one or ones we pick serve us on many levels, we need to love our addictions and their influence and try to understand the reason they are present in our life in order to learn their lessons and find love and compassion for our fears so we can let go with love our need to protect. Love is all we need.Divine Unconditional Love.

Thank you Jim Wert for sharing with me and enabling me to understand the route of this new love I have found for men recently, this ignorant and lost masculine manifest in many men is being healed through us all. I am so thankful for your love.

Thank You to all the men residing/growing in love, you all show me the that the type of relationship that I have dreamt of is a reality. To relationships based on unconditional love, peace and harmony.

How perfect is our life’s design to heal the whole through healing ourselves!

I am so happy to be living in the light and thankful to the light for shedding its light on me and us all.
Thank you all for your love, I feel it in my heart. You are all healing me, healing us all through the love you share. The crazy abundance of love I have received from you all this week has had me on such a high! I am totally addicted to love, my desire for love and experience of love increases each day.

Yesterday many times, tears of love streamed down my face! Through thinking of our divine love circle here, to looking at love’s innocence manifest in the children I watched around me on my travel home, to just becoming conscious of loves presence inside me, permeating through my being. I love this feeling of love growing in me, each day I experience higher states of love. I’m so excited! My ability to receive love is ever growing!! As is my ability to give love! Wahooooo!

To Love and Compassion and Understanding, To our experience of Love ever growing !

I See You

I Love You


Rising In Love with You, Madly, Deeply!

By Tara Love Ismail on Friday, 09 April 2010 at 12:15

Hello Beautiful!!

I am sharing this with You as part of my thank you to Love. May we all continue to grow in Love.

Yesterday was so divine, I went to the park, lay down and tuned into to the rhythm of the earth. I felt her beating beneath me, into my back and felt my heart beat synchronize with hers. I then heard the wind, for the first time. She was singing to me, a song of love. So divine and so beautiful. I felt her caress my skin then drift away as I lay there falling deeper in love.

In the evening, I lit a candle (as I usually do) but this time it was different. I lit it for Love. I felt so much love for God, God in me, in You, in everything. As I lit the candle I just stood there in wonder at how beautiful the flame is. The circles of rainbow colours emanating from her so brightly, so pretty. I found myself wanting to kiss the flame, and nearly leaned in for a kiss! I saw God in the flame. And smiled to myself at just how much I wanted to kiss this fire. Ooooo I will one day.

I then realised I totally fell in love with God in each element today. Earth, air, fire, water and of course, God in spirit. Earlier at the market I saw a beautiful ring made of sea shell and I had to have it. I thought to myself I want the ocean with me always. It’s so pretty.

God has taken me to another level of love today and I am totally desiring more...

I want to grow in love everyday for the rest of my life. I’ve fallen in love with myself, all women and God so deeply. And I am so happy to say I am beginning to fall in love with men, strong, masculine and beautiful men. I looked at a photo of Shiva in Rishikesh, India yesterday and was so overwhelmed by his beauty and the look of love and content on his face. Such masculine divine beauty. I’m in love! Pictures of Jesus, Rumi, Mooji and Eckhart, wow how I love them! I feel love rise up in me, I have grown through their Love!

I’m craving this experience I’ve heard so much about. I crave to experience this knowing of oneness with all of creation. I feel this oneness, this connection and I’m craving to know this conscious experience. To be there at the beginning and know myself as part of god in this creation. Ooooo how divine! I feel it is coming soon, God is preparing me to experience this deep prayer of my heart!

I am so BlissFully happy my angels, I had to share this feeling with you.

Thank you all for adding love to my life you have no idea how much I love and appreciate each of you. You have added to my love and growth and I am so so thankful for what I have learnt of love through you.

I pray we continue to grow in Gods light and love together regardless of distance and contact.

We are all one in the body of God.

To One Divine and BlissFull Love

I See You

I Love You, reading this, feeling my Love for you for Us. I wish i could tag you all in this - my heart goes out and beats for you!


My First Cry :) !

By Tara Love Ismail on Monday, 08 March 2010 at 02:09

I had a really different cry last week and I've just realised how to explain it in words so I thought I would share it with you.
Last week, after listening to my sister crying and in so much pain over the phone - me strong in my calm/compassionate big sister role i came off the phone and immediately thought of God, then sitting at my desk, I witnessed myself surrender completely to how i felt at that moment - for the first time! It was the first real cry of my life.

It was like there were two parts of me, one part exploding from emotions and the other at peace, just watching, knowing that everything was as it is supposed to be. The cry was loud, deep, completely emotional and over very quickly, probably less than a minute.

I've realised what made this cry different and very special for me was surrender. In the past crying was from fighting the situation, it was selfish, I’d cry from frustration or thoughts of victimisation and fears of what the situation meant for my future etc, then i’d force myself to stop because I didn’t agree with what i was crying about...quite insane really but forcing myself to stop probably was worse than crying for these reasons in the first place.
This cry last week was nothing like that. It really was amazing and quite enlightening for me.

Writing this now I've realised how divine the timing has been for me to be drawn to read the book The Power of Now almost immediately after, it has helped me understand this and much more. I think surrender is really deep - deeper than thought, i don’t think it can truly be done on the level of thought. It’s difficult to explain but here's an attempt from me (thanks to Eckhart Tolle) I'm learning that just because I intellectually understand deep spiritual truths of connectedness, purpose and illusion doesn't mean that I won't/shouldn't still feel natural human emotions. Understanding and knowing are different; one based on intellect the other on experience. I'm thankful that i'm here emotionally and intellectually now and pray i stay here.
To surrender is to be in touch with the present moment, to accept it for what it is with no resistance on any level, to give the present your whole attention and surrender to it. I surrendered my life/heart to God subconsciously (or emotionally) when God woke me up from the suffering/pain i had created in my life just over a year ago now (December 2008), and i have been growing consciously (or intellectually and emotionally) with God these last couple months, it’s been such a beautiful roller coaster and i'm really enjoying the ride.

I don't know why I am sharing this with you, as usual, I just am. God knows if they mean anything to you or not, if you're hearing this for what it is right now or are judging me for whatever reason. Either way it doesn't matter, I feel to share some things with you, probably for my own growth as writing helps me realise things, as i’m writing this with the intention to share it, i’m realising more so thank you for being here. Whatever the real reason is i'm going with it, as usual i'll understand when/if i'm supposed to.

Thank you for being here and allowing me to share this little piece of me with you.

I hope you have a beautiful blessed week and pray you continue to grow in God's light and love.

With Love All-Ways


╔ƸӜƷ Peace

ை`•` ¯¨•.¸¸ ƸӜƷ Creates harmony ƸӜƷ¸¸.•¨¯`•`ை