By Tara Love Ismail on Sunday, 18 April 2010 at 13:18
If there is even one thing you don't love about yourself this note is for you. <3
We all want to love unconditionally, and I have spoken to many people who say they love themselves. And try to convince me how much they love themselves, yet truth is most people have a very conditional love for themselves and so a very conditional love for everyone around them. Even it if it unconscious, even if you think you love them unconditionally look at the evidence. If you feel any negative emotion by anything said to you there is some limits on your love. If there is any aspect of yourself you do not love, your love is limited.
In order to be a true beacon of love we need to understand and accept the importance of loving our self. We all do treat or see others the way we treat and see ourselves... whether you are aware of it or not, we do! You can only give as much love as you have in yourself. You can only love God as much as you love yourself. You can only love anyone and everyone as much as you love yourself!
Your 'negative' aspects of you which you may find unlovable are the areas in which you need love the most. These areas are hear to teach us to love unconditionally. All of our 'negative' aspects are really there out of love! We need to understand their lessons and find compassion.
For example, I have a friend who has recently confided in me that he feels abandoned by everyone in his life - he knows he's not but when people 'leave' him to live out their life he cant help but feel abandoned.... as the conversation progressed we moved on to the subject of which this post is based.
I told him he needs to love his 'negative' aspects, he needs to understand their purpose so he can love them. He needs to find compassion for them. he asked how. He gave me an example, told me he is a very jealous person, ''how do you love that?''. I told him, it is his fear of abandonment! His jealousy serves to protect him from any 'threats' which may lead to his abandonment! Beautiful!! Bless his Jealousy!! Bless his wound!!! To Healing!!!
ALL 'negative' emotions have a loving purpose, they serve to protect us from our childhood wounds.
When we look deeper into ourselves and find their root we can love them and thus transcend them. Love is the only healer. All negative emotions are simply our wounds, they serve us in helping us to recognise our wounds so we can heal them.
If you want to be a beacon of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE "Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it" ~ Mevlana Rumi
If you love others, if you love your children, your partner, your family, if you love God please please please realize your love is limited by the love you show yourself!
If you mistreat yourself in anyway you are mistreating us all on a deeper level. Lets move into uncondtional love. UNCONDITIONAL UNBREAKABLE UNMOVABLE LOVE! ENDLESS AND TIMELESS AND LIMITLESS !
These past couple weeks I have been loving myself soooooo much! Treating me sooooooo good being so open direct and honest with everyone, and my directness has been met with such appreciation I was very pleasantly surprised! Previously I would sugar coat what I really think or feel, genuinely believing I was serving the person by not making them feel 'bad'..... You cannot make anyone feel bad !!! Bad has to be there already for them to feel it.... But seriously - when we speak from love, it can only heal! This realization has been such a miracle for me!!!!
Through loving me I really have been loving YOUl. I have been spreading sooo much love and I have been receiving soooo much more! To us all waking up to UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS! We Are All One! No exceptions!
It Blows My Mind How Perfect EVERYTHING Is Created! How PERFECTLY DELICIOUS is it that my Loving me Feels sooooo Good and Loving YOU Feels Sooooo amazing, and it heals and it serves us ALL!
I will ALWAYS be in awe of this ! SOOOO DIVINE!!!!
Poem by Rumi that pops to mind:
Do You Love Me
The lover asked his beloved: Do you love yourself more than you love me?
Beloved replied: I have died to myself and I live for you.
I've disappeared from myself and my attributes,
I am present only for you.
I've forgotten all my learnings,
but from knowing you I've become a scholar.
I've lost all my strength, but from your power I am able.
If I love myself...I love you.
If I love you...I love myself.
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