by Tara Love Ismail on Friday, 09 July 2010 at 13:27
Interesting and deep topic for me this subject of power. Some funny fears popped up which even though i knew were totally ignorant, they made me cry like a baby as I admitted them to myself. Bless our little collective fears.. mmm feels soo good to see them!
There's two aspects of power I wish to address here.. firstly and briefly a fear that I will unintentionally harm others, again! I used to have a need to please and also to help wayyyy too much!! Thankfully I have moved out of my personal needs to make people happy through learning that putting others before my hearts guidance harms all in in the long run and that i cannot make(key word - make!!) anyone happy - happiness is a choice =D !!!
The surfacing of this fear of unintentionally harming others led to a bigger and uglier one... I found that my big fear re power was what if I INTENTIONALLY harm others!!! This surprised me big time!!!!!! It was deeeep and so real and painful to face, but it was very much there. I was scared that if i were to come into a little worldly power I would get lost in it and become disconnected from my heart like so many have before! This fear was so deep, I never thought I would fear being ‘bad’ but it was there!! I was shocked and I cried like a baby as I faced this fear! awwww afterwards I thought how cute!! Bless my cottons!! I released it into the light and I found some awesome information which really made me feel amazing and safe!!! As it greatly enhanced my trust in my heart - god within :)
The gateway to god is within the temple of our heart so when our heart and mind work as one, our thoughts and thus what we consciously create is powered by/with infinite source. All the love energy in the universe is always available to us, the closer we move into allignment with source, our truth, surendering to our hearts true desires, the more energy we will be able to tap into and use to co-create this new wonderful love filled earth we are in the process of co-creating together. When in our hearts we have the power of god fueling us, infinite divine love that we cannot ever abuse! By Law!
This makes such perfect sense to me now, for when our mind gets lost in our ego and thus the alignment between our heart and mind is frazzled or severed we move out of alignment with universal love and so cannot drink of this tap of infinite love fuel. When here, our energy is fueled by a very very limited source.. the degree's vary from person to person and intention and awareness etc..
If we are unintentionally harming others, so low awareness, no conscious intention to harm anyone, the power we tap into appears of to be of low impact so we can remain a parasite in our unawareness. For example the poor me story where we make others feel sympathy for us and praise us so we feed off the energy they willingly give us so we feel better, leaving them drained... or via manipulating, controlling etc we parasite the energy we need through the energy holes we tap into through the dependent, needy, fearful etc..feelings of others, which ofcourse reflect something in us - our need to connect with love within!
If however we have a greater desire to manipulate and control and we intentionally plan and plot stratergies to gain power and to step on others etc we tap into a bigger chunk of fears.... known as the collective unconscious, or Lucifer the fallen angel etc.. this gives the illusion of great power and some serious damage can be caused depending on how much you wish to serve this type of power, yet this power is limited, and can only harm or work on those who have fears in them for you to manipulate and feed off of. The power in this reservoir is from those who are fearful of things or ideas and thus easy to drain... the more we remove our fears the more the scale tips from fear to love until we are only connected to one, the one we choose! Not only is it awesome, blissful and such a joy to be on the love 'side' but it also makes more sense logically!!! How perfect!!!
This realization gives me such great peace and freedom to be me more fully and such a strong drive and desire to face anything and everything that may be left in me that is tapped into this fear 'side' so i can remove all links and be purely connected to love through all cells in this divine vehicle of love I've been given to play with... all we have to do is choose how we wish to play the game right now and go with it fully... all is perfect and even Satan is a wonderful piece on this chess board of life. where would I be without his pushes!! his tests and his trying to pull me over to do 'bad' stuff... hmmm definitely still sleeping and not aware of how delicious a rose smells!! thank you Lucifer and thank you Michael! I love you allllll!!!!
Ooo and to add, a good friend asked me my opinion on this vampire craze in the media and such lately... i think it is perfect!! It is the exact perfect symbolism for what was described above and is a sure sign that society are coming into awareness of the parasitic nature of fears in us all. We need to become aware that we feed off each other until we find our way of connecting and remaining in contact with love always. For always! Whooo hooo!! Gosh I love to love !!!
Mmmmm I love you all soo much !! wowiiii to love you sets me crazy off on this love ride!!!! As i express how much i truely madly deeply love you i feel waves of divine awesome love loving me! and then to top it off you tell me you love me too and kabooom!!! i'm off in a daze of blissfull love in love!!! How perfect!!!!! Gosh the perfection!!!! wowowowowowwww!!! Ahhhhh to live love - a constant channel of love – lets all love eachother ! fully truly madly deeply !!! Mmmm sooo wonderful! I am soo high on this love!
To Feel me is to Know me
To Love me is to Hear me
To See Me is to See You
I see you and I love you !
I in I we are one always!
Sweet Super Blissfull SoulJahs of Love Love Love! We Are !!!
Your Tara Love All-ways
mmmmwah !! I Love You !!!
". I was scared that if i were to come into a little worldly power I would get lost in it and become disconnected from my heart like so many have before! "
ReplyDeleteALMOST what I was looking for do you still feel like that? I think I remember another part about ... only God knowing how it would happen... I guess I will have to check my T-Files ... sighs :-( 2 hours "wasted" better than playing video games or movies though.
P.S. apparently, that Hitler guy tapped into the bad part... unfortunately, he thought it was "the living God" so they say he said. He say she say no proof or a replay