Wednesday, 25 August 2010

What are you really co-creating....

by Tara Love Ismail on Wednesday, 12 May 2010 at 00:07

I believe as many of us here do that we are co-creators with God, but until recently I didn’t realise what this meant for me... I believed surrender to god’s will meant ‘whatever god does is fine by me’ it’s all love and I sat comfortably in the backseat willing to accept whatever happens and do my bit by spreading love everywhere I go, staying centered in love and meditating envisioning love hugging the world.

It’s just hit home though, if we are co-creators with God, if our prayers, our actions, our desires make a difference then we shouldn’t be in the backseat, waiting for gods will to be done... waiting to see how it all turns out. We need to recognise that God’s will be done, through us! It is through our will that God’s will be done!

We have a responsibility to ask for things on behalf of our world. God loves us enough to allow us to choose, we have free will and this is protected. God loves us enough to watch us suffer (and a part of god suffers with us as long as you allow yourself to suffer as you are a part of god).

God answers the prayers of our heart, not our mind... we need to align our minds with our heart and become conscious co-creators of our life, our reality, of our world. If there is pain or fear in our heart no matter how much we want to create love, a part of us will be creating pain in our reality due to our resistance to face what is in our heart – right now.

Look deeply at what it is you pray for, what is it you dream of. What does your heart desire? Now, what is holding you back? This is what you need to pray for, that you are able through love who gives you strength to heal and love that which holds you back and move forward towards your dream, your new reality, our new earth.

I believe in everyone our deepest desires go beyond ourselves... we all desire to make someone, if not everyone happy in some way, to love each other unconditionally... This is where our power lies, in the realisation that we actually do desire to serve, God will prepare you through your desire to be able – for both yourself and those you wish to serve. For the love of all, for the love of God.

It is important not judge where your heart is now, this will blur your vision....if you feel anxiety, pain, fear or resistant somehow – all that matters is that you desire to rise above it.... your hearts desire is your fuel in prayer, in creation. Our heart holds such strong energy. What is it you truly deeply desire, not the surface of these desires, the driving force.... Now acknowledge where you are, really look at yourself it is ok to be exactly where you are, just look at it so you can serve it up for healing.

Now, are you prepared to participate in how things turn out? If you’re praying to be happy, what you think will make you happy and what actually will make you happy maybe be very different. Are you willing to change your plans? To trust the miracles that love will work through your willingness to participate - to team up with love.

Are you committed to what you are praying for or is it something you think you should be praying for? The only thing you should be praying for is what is in your heart.... no thing and no one else matters, your prayers are unique to you, your abilities are unique to you. Your prayers are your time to be totally naked and shameless before God, with you!

To add, please realise that if u truly want to love others, your children, your partner anyone and everyone unconditionally you must be willing to face these fears, to love yourself. Your fears are limitations on your ability to love. If find you are scared to face your fears, your desire, your conviction to love will triumph, communicate with God, tell him your fears to face your fears...... ask for strength to do it together. Prayers of your heart are always answered!

I Love You reading these words so much and I am holding you in the light and awe of loves sweet cocoon as you transform into the butterfly that you are beautiful angel...

I See You and I Love You Endlessly


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